[프로그래머스] 등굣길 (python)
number of way to reaching (x, y)
= N(x, y) = N(x-1, y) + N(x, y-1)
def solution(m, n, puddles):
# init graph
graph = [[0]*m for _ in range(n)]
# set start point as 1
graph[0][0] = 1
# set puddles poin as -1
for y, x in puddles:
graph[x-1][y-1] = -1
# DP with n x m graph(= memorization)
for x in range(0, n):
for y in range(0, m):
# if current point is not a puddle
if graph[x][y] != -1:
# if upward is not puddle add number of way that (x-1 , y) can reached
if 0 <= x-1 and graph[x-1][y] != -1:
graph[x][y] += graph[x-1][y]
# if leftside is not puddle add number of way that (x , y-1) can reached
if 0 <= y-1 and graph[x][y-1] != -1:
graph[x][y] += graph[x][y-1]
return graph[n-1][m-1]%(1000000007)
print(solution(4, 3, [[2, 2]]))
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